The new AdGroup settings page has arrived !
Faster, Better, Clearer
We're happy to announce the release of a revamped version of the AdGroup settings page. This page is probably the most used by our customers and we knew it needed to be redesigned with a simplified user interface, clearer settings, nicer design, and a better editing / saving flow.
This new page lets advertisers create, edit and save every AdGroup settings in seconds, from basic attributes such as naming and default URL to advanced targeting features like geotargeting or devices
As of today, this new AdGroup page is available in the platform for all advertisers.

What changes did we make and why ?
A single Page
Previously, we had 2 different pages for AdGroup creation and AdGroup edition. The first thing we did was to remove the "Edit" page, so that advertisers have all the needed information in a single page - the “AdGoup Creation” page - that is now also used to edit all AdGroups settings.
Unique Save Button
We removed the multiple "save" buttons that were used for each section, and replaced them with a unique button that saves all the settings at once.

Improved budget management
Giving full transparency and control over the CPC to the advertiser is a key value to Powerspace Ads. This is why we tackled a simplification of this page, using clearer fields design, making the optional settings hidden by default or adding small info layers to give insights on each field.

Simplified targeting settings
We worked a lot rethinking and redesigning the targeting section to make it as simple as possible. In that process, we decided to move secondary options to the bottom of the page, and to fold them by default., Just click on a section to edit it.

Better geo-targeting selection
It is now possible to select different geo-targeting options such as “city + radius”, region, or country, and to see the setting visually in the map.
We now also clearly display the default market of the AdGroup. In the example below, the AdGroup is targeting only websites and newsletters from France.

More info in the doc